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Give a speech on the topic is India safe for women

In India Sati, Sabitri, Durga, Laxmi are worshipped by people treating them as goddesses where as there is increasing number of violence against women. The amount of violence against women has increased by many fold due to the greater exposure of women in every field of life. Women were previously restricted to the four walls of the houses and after globalisation they have got the chances and opportunities to stand equally in all sectors at par with male. Women are now a days cab drivers and they are also the CEO of top companies.

It is a good sign that the patriarchal mind set of the society has changed to some extent but not to the extent it was supposed to. It is the same mind set that restricts women to go out and work making them as a tool for domestication. It is the same mind set that treats males as superior than female and always try to dominate the women folk.

There are different kinds of tools that is being used by the male dominated society to prove their domination over the female. Eve teasing, sexual harassment, rape, domestic violence against women are these weapons used by the male to display the male superiority. This is one of the prime reason violence is increasing in India and women safety is a concern in India.

Along with the mind set the slow pace of operation of Indian judiciary is another major reason for the increasing women safety in India. The police of India is not efficient and not neutral and that is the reason why the cases of violence against women takes long time in the investigation phase. In the name of social pressure and shame many women did not come out and report the matter to police. This is one of the many reasons why the number of cases reported are less than the actual number of violence happening against women.

It is a shame that rapes take place everyday. Rape is a disease which attacks from everywhere to everywhere. It is an evil that has no boundaries. It is present in every nook and corner of the world. It doesn’t differentiate between a 3-year-old kid and an 80-year-old lady. From parties to workplaces to our homes, rape and harassment have become a norm. The survivors of these heinous crimes are then left to be humiliated throughout their life. Some of them even spend their whole “after rape life” on ventilators or they are burnt alive.

In order to improve women safety in India the first task is to improve the number of women in every sphere of society. Along with that the change in mind set of people is very essential for the safety of women. From family to educational institutions men should be taught about respecting females. Further, there should be fast-track courts to hear the cases and they cases should be investigated in a time bound manner. Only strict laws can not solve the problem of women safety in India rather the implementation of these laws in a time bound manner can solve the issue to a large extent.

Safety of women in India should not be taken lightly and we should encourage women to buy more self defence items like DEVIL WILL CRY which is the strongest pepper spray in India. You can get DEVIL WILL CRY from or you can search for the same in amazon.

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